When you quote or get information from a source, you need to be sure to make a note in your work somewhere that the idea or words are not your own. The two main types of citation are the Works Cited page and what is called an in-text citation.
- The Works Cited is the last page of your paper or presentation that lists, in alphabetical order, all of your references (works you cited).
- In-text citation is where you reference your information after you paraphrase or quote another work.
- There are two main styles of citation, MLA and APA. MLA is usually used for language and the arts, APA is used for the sciences. In high school, you will mostly use MLA, what you use in college will depend on your major.
Below you'll find some resources that will help you with citation. Feel free to contact your friendly librarian if you need any help with a citation, even if your class didn't come to the library to do research!
CITATION ENGINES such as MyBib.com
These will help you create citations, but you are still responsible if they are incorrect.
Sometimes they will tell you they are missing information, and it is up to you to enter it manually.
Purdue OWL MLA - This is the most useful site for almost anything related to English Language Arts, but specifically is an excellent source for all thing related to citation for students of all ages. Be sure to use the links on the left to help you navigate to other pages.
Owl @ Purdue Channel MLA - YouTube channel that is specific to MLA citation
MLA Style Center--Also helpful is their "Ask the MLA" page.
Purdue OWL APA - While Purdue mostly focuses on English Language Arts, they have an excellent reference section for APA citations.
Owl @ Purdue Channel APA - YouTube channel that is specific to APA citation.